


And here she is. Shoggo are the bio-engineering and energy manipulation geniuses of Praxis. As is well known the shoggo gained sentience and learnt to live on land. It was however after the energy from the Grand Changing had seeped through fissures in reality and into the Beyond, that these beings took on a mamonme form. The Demon Energy twisted the gaining of sentience coupled with their innate ability to generate limbs and consume things into genius level flair for bio-engineering and energy manipulation. Their sentience was also magnified making them rather smart as well. Their status as servants twisted into a kink of playing at being a servant, even if they are really in charge. The now intelligent creatures demanded emancipation in order to pursue the chance of acquiring a mate. The refusal of this demand forced the shoggo to flee through fissures in reality into the realm of Praxis.

2017-04-23 22:19:48 投稿 / 1672×1920ピクセル

2017-04-23 22:19:48 投稿
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