
Scenes from Story #1

Two homicide detectives and a criminal psychologist are on the trail of a sadistic serial killer who leaves his victims in an array of bloody murder scenes. As they come closer to finding this bizarre madman, He will turn them against each other. After the detectives realize who the madman is, they discover defeating the killer will require defying reason.

2013-04-13 11:29:14 投稿 / 全1ページ    総閲覧数:822   閲覧ユーザー数:816


Scene 5: Discovery of 1st Murder

-Scene Start-


[Establishing Shot]

The elevator doors are open to a festive dinner.


The two couples walk out of the elevator.

The two couples walk separate directions.

The women wave to each other.

[6-8 panels] People are socializing, eating, drinking, and dancing. Caters are busy. Show Nabiki and Ayane working the party.

Diane looks at a table oddly.

Janey walks beside her.

They stand by the buffet table. “What a great night for a corporate party.” – Diane

“Yeah, no kidding. Nice weather and most of the people are friendly, too.” – Janey

“Janey. We seem to have an extra table.” – Diane

Diane points to a covered table sitting by itself. “Can you see what’s on it and take it out of the room.” – Diane

“Okay.” – Janey

Janey walks over to the table.

Janey uncovers it.

Show Janey's face as she screams. [Sound Effect: Janey's Scream]

[3 panels] Janey stumbles back away from the table. [Sound Effect: Janey's Scream]

Diane walks quickly to Janey. “That silly girl. What is wrong with her tonight?”

Show Diane's terrified facial expression.

Show other people eating at a buffet table. [Sound Effect: Diane's Scream]


-Scene End-



Scene 56: Poison Woman

-Scene Start-


Show the outside of a love hotel.

Show Ryoga Miyagi waking up in am empty bed.

Show Ryoga Miyagi getting up. Ryoga Miyagi notices the bathroom light is on.

From behind: Show Ryoga Miyagi walking into the bathroom.


[From Ryoga Miyagi's perspective]

Show Haruka Miyagi drowning the younger woman in the toilet. “What the fuck?” – Ryoga

Show the Ryoga Miyagi pull Haruka Miyagi away from the younger woman, who was drowning.

Show the younger woman fall out of the toilet, unconscious. “What are you doing?” – Ryoga Miyagi

Show Ryoga Miyagi holding Haruka Miyagi firming by the arm. “What am I doing.” – Haruka Miyagi

“Yea!” What the fuck are you doing here?” – Ryoga Miyagi

“I'm killing this fucking cunt!” – Haruka Miyagi

Show a close up of Ryoga Miyagi's shocked face.

“Don't you get it?” – Haruka Miyagi

Show Haruka Miyagi pick up the semiconscious girl. “This is what happens to the little whores you sleep with!” – Haruka Miyagi

Show Haruka Miyagi pushing the young woman's head back into the toilet.


-Scene End-


Scene 75: News Scene

-Scene Start-


Janey walks out with a towel wrapped around her upper and lower body. Another towel is wrapped around her head.

[2 panels] Janey dries off her hair in front of the mirror.

Janey gets up and leaves the towel that was on her head.

Janey sits on the bed.

Janey lights a cigarette.

Janey picks up the TV remote.

Janey turns on the TV. [The late night news is on]


“This morning Kaori Watabe was found dead in her apartment.”


“At the moment police have no idea who committed this gruesome murder....”


“... If you have any information that might help the police find this sadistic killer, please don't hesitate to call the downtown Kyoto Homicide Division or your local police department” – anchorwoman


Show the TV turning off. [Sound Effect: CLICK]

Show Janey's hand holding the TV's remote control and pointing it at the TV.

Show Janey's hand lower her remote onto her lap.

Show Janey's chest breathing deeply.

Show Janey's disturbed face. Show Janey's hand over her mouth.


-Scene End-



Scene 103: Last Moments

-Scene Start-


Show a blank black panel.

Show a blank black panel.

Show a blank black panel.

Show a blank black panel. [Sound Effect: Knock]

Show a blank black panel. [Sound Effect: Knock]

Show a blank black panel. [Sound Effect: Knock]

Show a blank black panel.

Show a blank black panel. [Sound Effect: Knock, Knock]

Show a black panel with two slits of white centered in the middle of the panel. Like when a person is waking up and is slowly opening their eyes.


[From third perspective]

Show Janey lying in her car.

Show Janey's face. Her eyes are barely open.


[From Janey's view]

Show the inside of her car. The pitch black night outside Janey's car is so dark that she can't see anything outside of her car. Plus here windows are fogged over.


[From third perspective next to the door 5 inches from her hand]

Show Janey's (right or Left) hand pulling up on a switch next to the seat. [Research Japanese cars]


[From third perspective facing Janey]

Show Janey's upper body and her seat tilting up. [In slow motion]

Show Janey rubbing her eyes.

Show Janey looking at her watch.


Show Janey rubbing her eyes.


Show Janey looking at her watch.


Show the watch: 2:13 am

Show the watch: 2:14 am [Sound Effect: Knock, Knock]


Show Janey jumping and moving her hands. “Christ!”


Show Janey looking at the right side of the car.

Show the right side of the vehicle. The right window is fogged over.


[From Janey's perspective]

Show the right side of the vehicle. The right window is fogged over. [Sound Effect: Knock, Knock]

Show Janey's hand rubbing the condensation from the window. “Hello?”

Show the wiped window. Show the pitch blackness outside the car.


[From third perspective outside the right window]

Show Janey looking out the closed right window of the car.

Show Janey looking out the closed right window of the car. [Sound Effect: Knock, Knock]

Show Janey lean back away from the right window.

From her now leaned position. Show Janey looking out the closed window of the car. “Hello?”

Show Janey tuning her upper body towards the left side of the car.


[From third perspective on the left side of the car, facing Janey]

Show Janey looking at the left side of the car.


[From Janey's perspective]

Show the left side of the vehicle. The left window is fogged over. [Sound Effect: Knock, Knock]

Show Janey's hand rubbing the condensation from the window. “God dang it. Who there's?”

Show the wiped window. Show the pitch blackness outside the car.

Show the wiped window. Show the pitch blackness outside the car. [Panel Movement: Car is shaking] [Sound Effect: Metallic Crunch] [Sound Effect: Loud Metallic Scrape]


[From third perspective]

Show Janey looking at the front of the car.


[From Janey's Perspective]

Show the front of the vehicle. The front windshield is fogged over.

Show Janey's arm. Show Janey's hand wiping the condensation from the windshield.

Show Janey's arm. Show Janey's hand wiping the condensation from the windshield.

Show pitch blackness on the other side of the now wiped windshield. Show a shadowy figure in front of the vehicle.


[From a third perspective just inches away from the windshield, on outside of the vehicle]

Show Janey reaching forward to touch something in front of her.


[From Janey's perspective]

Show Janey reaching for a switch on the car's dashboard. Janey's hand is seven inches away from the switch.

Show Janey reaching for a switch on the car's dashboard. Janey's hand is three inches away from the switch.

Show Janey touching a switch on the car's dashboard.

With the car's headlights now on; Show a tall hooded figure dressed in black standing before the car. His arms are raised. In his hands is a long handled red ax. The hooded man in black is in the motion of swinging the ax down to the car's hood. [Slow motion]

Show the tall hooded figure dressed in black with his arms pointing down. Show the ax slicing through the car's hood. Next to the impact is a hexagon-shaped hole. [Panel Movement: Car is shaking] [Sound Effect: Metallic Crunch] [Sound Effect: Loud Metallic Scrape]


[From the attackers perspective, three feet from the front of the car]

Show Janey with her mouth open wide. Janey's face is in a vivid expression of terror. [Sound Effect: Loud Scream]


[From a third perspective, 15 feet from the left side of the vehicle]

Show the hooded man walk around the front, right corner of the car.

Show the man standing three feet from the car's right front wheel, with his ax held above his head.

Show the hooded man swing his ax down, in an arc from right to left to right, onto the windshield.


[From Janey's perspective]

Show the ax bust through the windshield. [Sound Effect: Glass breaking]

Show the ax's head sticking through the window. Show glass flying at Janey. [Sound Effect: Janey's screaming very loud]

Show the ax being pulled out of the windshield.[Sound Effect: Glass breaking Glass breaking]

Show Janey's hands and arms reaching forward towards the steering wheel.

Show one of Janey's hands on the keys of the ignition and the other hand on the steering wheel.


[From a perspective, a few inches from the car's ignition switch]

Show Janey's hand turning the key over. [Sound Effect: the sound a car makes when it will not start]


[From the attackers perspective, three feet from the front right side of the car's hood]

Show Janey with one hand on the steering wheel and Janey's other hand in an unseen place. [Janey is trying to start the car] [Sound Effect: the car back fires]


[From a third perspective, 15 feet from the left side of the vehicle]

Show the hooded man walk around the front, right corner of the car.

Show the man standing three feet from the car's right front wheel, with his ax held above his head.

Show the hooded man swing his ax down, in an arc from right to left to right, onto the windshield.


[From Janey's perspective]

Show the ax bust through the windshield. [Sound Effect: Glass breaking]

Show the ax's head sticking through the window. Show glass flying at Janey. [Sound Effect: Janey's Screaming]

Show the ax being pulled out of the windshield. [Sound Effect: Glass breaking Glass breaking]

Show the ax pulling the glass window. [Sound Effect: Glass breaking Glass breaking]

Show the window braking free from the car's frame. [Sound Effect: Glass breaking Glass breaking]


[From a third perspective outside the car, three inches from where the windshield used to be]

Show Janey staring out of the window. Show Janey with one hand on the steering wheel and Janey's other hand in an unseen place. [Janey is trying to start the car] Show Janey's heavy breathing in the cold air. [Sound Effect: the car back fires]


[From Janey's perspective]

Show the shadowy, hooded figure standing three feet from the vehicle's right side.

Show the shadowy, hooded figure walking towards the vehicle's right door.


[From a third perspective outside the car, three inches from where the windshield used to be]

Show Janey staring out of the window. Show Janey with one hand on the steering wheel and Janey's other hand in an unseen place. [Janey is trying to start the car] Show Janey's heavy breathing in the cold air. [Sound Effect: the car back fires]


[From Janey's perspective]

Show one of Janey's hands on the keys of the ignition and the other hand on the steering wheel. [Janey is trying to start the car] Show Janey's heavy breathing in the cold air. [Sound Effect: the car back fires]


[From a third perspective four inches from the muffler's exhaust]

Show a dark soft looking object stuck into the muffler's exhaust (tail pipe).


[From Janey's perspective]

Show one of Janey's hands on the keys of the ignition and the other hand on the steering wheel. [Sound Effect: the car back fires]

Show one of Janey's hands on the keys of the ignition and the other hand on the steering wheel. [Sound Effect: the sound a car makes when it will not start] “Come on! Damn you! start!” – Janey


[From a third perspective, 2 feet from the right car door window]

Show Janey staring at the car's dashboard

Show Janey looking at the window and the man on the outside of the car.

Show Janey moving back. Show Janey covering her face and arms.


[From a third perspective inside the car from the passenger's side]

Show Janey laying across the seats. [Slow motion] Show the ax breaking through the car's right-side window. [Slow Motion] Show glass flying into the car. [Sound effect Glass braking] [Sound Effect: Janey screaming]

Show glass showering Janey and the inside of the car.

Show Janey sitting up and reaching for the car's left door. [Sound effect: Janey's Sobbing]

Show Janey's hand pulling on the car's door's latch.


[From a third perspective out side of the car, three feet from the left side of the car]

Show the car's door open.


[From a perspective 15 feet away from the car]

Show the hooded figure reaching into the car through the empty window.


[From Janey's perspective]

Show the hooded figure grabbing Janey shirt and pants. [Sound Effect: Janey's Sobbing Scream]

Show the hooded figure pulling Janey back towards him. “God! No!” – Janey

Show the hooded figure pulling Janey back further towards him.


[From a perspective 15 from the ground and 15 feet from the rear of the car, at a 45 degree angle]

Show the hooded figure is bent over, the upper half of his body is inside the car's empty window. “Help me!” – Janey


[From a perspective 30 from the ground and 30 feet from the rear of the car, at a 45 degree angle]

Show the hooded figure is bent over, the upper half of his body is inside the car's empty window. “Help me!” – Janey


[From a perspective 45 from the ground and 45 feet from the rear of the car, at a 45 degree angle]

Show the hooded figure is bent over, the upper half of his body is inside the car's empty window.


[Turn the page]


[From a third perspective in the back seat of the car]

[Half page shot] Show the hooded figure grabbing Janey's hair. Show the hooded figure pulling Janey back towards him. Show Janey's open mouth scream.


-Scene End-



Scene 109: BOOM

-Scene Start-


Saeka, Ken, and the two officers walk to Saeka's front door.


Saeka hands Ken the keys.

“Go in and check it out.”

The officers go inside.

Saeka walks in. “No not you.” – Ken

Ken pulls her back outside.


Ken's phone rings.

Saeka stands there annoyed. Ken answers his phone.


“It's Kaito. Ken, we found… I think we found part of Janey Kamiya's body.”

Ken's face freezes.

Ken stares forward.

“What do you mean? Part of...”

Saeka stands outside the doorway as she watches the cops as they walk around her place.

“Its clear.”

Ken turns to the cops. One of them signals “it's safe.”

Ken covers the phone. “Go inside. I'll be there in a minute.” – Ken says to Saeka

Saeka walks in. Ken returns to his call.

“Do you always leave it so hot in here, Miss Kamiya?”

She looks at the cop.


“The heater must have come on.”

Saeka walks over the unit on the wall.

Saeka switch it off.

“Does it come on by itself?”


“Its being weird.”

“What going on?”

“My heater is on.”

“Did you turn it on?”

“Mind if I get something to drink Miss?”

“No, I don't mind. There's sodas in the fridge.”

“Did you turn the heater on?”

“No. I never turn it.”

“Man I'm felling light headed.”

“Shit! Gas!”

Ken grabs Saeka by the arm

“Get out. Get out!”


The officer opens the refrigerator door.

Matches glued to its door rub against a coarse surface.

Ken is running out the door pulling Saeka in is hand.

The place explodes.

Ken and Saeka are thrown into the air.

The other apartment explodes.

One of the cops walks out of the door. The cop is engulfed in flames.

The cop's burning body falls to the ground.

The dead cop's body remains there motionless. Flames dance on his body.


-Scene End-




