


Lorelei as mentioned before are avian. They resemble harpies with striking almost irridescent plumage who love to sing, and from birth are trained to become master songstresses. One might oft encounter them clad in scandalous skirts or even shorts woven from aranae silk. While bust size is petite, as with harpies much of their weight is distributed to the hips and buttocks. Their voice is known to sway the heart and while some use this for more salacious means, others simply revel in the adoration for their talent as minstrels. There are some lorelei's who operate as lookouts for seafaring vessels using their voice to sound out warnings and as entertainment in the evenings.

While these mamonme enjoyed the Demon Lord Seretique vi Alloriel's favour for many years, it was the many rebuffs from the Demon Lord with regard to their voice having the potential to sway battles, as well as the repeated attacks from the Luminaire for this specific reason, which forced the queen of their kind, the Siren to defect to The Principal God Eiraiha. At the Principal God's behest, the lorelie, now living far from home in the Lands of the Gentle Flame began using their songs to turn away both Luminaire and Demon Kingdom incursions from neutral, open and hostile nations. As a result nowadays they are despised by the Luminaire as “feathered witches” and by the Demon Kingdoms as “turncoat traitors”.


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