Miss " Naoko Shoji " ( 庄司 菜穂子 ) now " Naoko Hasegawa " ( 長谷川菜穂子 ) , who set up the instrument, told me in June 1984 that Alleglla ("Musiere" in SDC Southern Cross) was in charge of the stringer sitar (सितार ) .
However, the instruments depicted on the actual televised film were of a different type than her notice.
The characteristics and playing style of the instrument reflected in the film are most similar to Electric upright bass.
So I decided to draw on Electric upright bass the instrument that Allgra was responsible for ("Musiere") in the triumvirate Orchestra.
Allegra and sitar (सितार ) JST 0:28 ,March 12 2020 , the Artwork start https://www.deviantart.com/yui1107/art/Allegra-and-sitar-Work-In-Progress-833389664
超時空騎団サザンクロス2020『ムジカ・ノヴァ』と 歌巫女の電子弦楽器「リーヴ・フィセル」(レーザーハープ)は、Tinami のJPG劣化・縮小ファイルのみ反映されます。
Miss " Naoko Shoji " (庄司奈穂子) , who set up the instrument, told me in June 1984 that Alleglla ("Musiere" in SDC Southern Cross) was in charge of the stringer sitar (सितार ) .
However, the instruments depicted on the actual televised film were of a different type than her notice.
The characteristics and playing style of the instrument reflected in the film are most similar to Electric upright bass.
So I decided to draw on Electric upright bass the instrument that Allgra was responsible for ("Musiere") in the triumvirate Orchestra.
縮小されていない、原寸PNG ( 3227 pixel × 5961 pixel , 5.53 MB ) 画像は pixiv の以下のURLでダウンロード出来ます。
「ムジエ・ノヴァ」と弦楽器「シタール」 (सितार )
アレグラ〔“Alleglla”〕(原作「超時空騎団サザンクロス」に於ける「ムジエ」( " Musiere" )に関して、楽器を設定した「庄司奈穂子」嬢は、1984年6月に「アレグラ」(原作「超時空騎団サザンクロス」に於ける「ムジエ」)が弦楽器『シタール』(सितार)を担当したと私に話しました。