17/12/31 18:48 natsu さん
久しぶりだねっ! ○前坊やのぬぎぬぎ誘惑 http://natsukids.nusutto.jp/natsukids.htm …
11/08/21 19:11 natsu さん
Beach boy series update! Spikeくんの裸体練習 ホームページに(R-18):http://natsukids.tuzigiri.com/spikenudel.jpg…
11/02/16 01:26 natsu さん
イラスト更新!ここが天国か? http://natsukids.nusutto.jp/heaven.htm R-18, ボーナスがあり。 …
10/07/18 15:26 natsu さん
等軍陣です♡ Fullバージョン(R-18, multi endings.)はホームページに: http://natsukids.tuzigiri.com/fundoshijin.htm …
08/05/13 01:30 natsu さん
Natsukids is back! The new site address is http://natsukids.tuzigiri.com/natsukids.htm Please continue supporting Natsukids! Thanks! …
08/05/09 17:14 natsu さん
Natsukids web page was being shut dowun by the server again.... May be it's caused by the recent increase in access and the web content... natsu will buit up a new web site later but may not be…